Sorry that I have to send in an image that isn't terribly related to the theme this week. I got severely stumped and wish we had something a little bit more obvious. =D This is "So There I Was", more or less. He's a buddha, and there he is. Meditation is just being there and not a lot else. It's not finished, and I did some silly things with it, but that's how we learn. Made in Flash.
. . . If I had been clever I would have illustrated one of my favorite bits from Jonathan Livingston Seagull: "Perfect speed is being there." Oh, well. Maybe I'll draw seagulls next week.
Let's dance buddy. Here comes my super powered MEGA PUNCH!!!!!
Yeah, I find some way to fit robots in. It's in gray now but I really want to see this in color. But I'll probably go back and re-draw it by hand because my digital inking still needs work. Just used the tablet for a quicker turn around. Enjoy. It's good to be back.
Another speedpaint-y thing =). I'm back in the game! This is going to take a little bit of explaining as to how it fits in with the theme. Worry not, my noble compatriots!
This is an illustration to one of the variants of Cinderella. In a few of them, Cinderella's fairy godmother gives her three magical walnuts. They contain a dress like the moon, the sun, and the stars, respectively. (In a few of the variants, Cinderella is a runaway from a noble household and hides her fancy clothing under a fur cloak, which is what I've drawn here.) I've been looking at how some golden age era illustrators handle light/dark contrast. Any thoughts?
Lookie, lookie, we finally got a header! Courtesy of our very own Mike Ryan's comic book cover he did in a previous submission. Enjoy the new look and keep on drawing!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Late entry for last week's theme, "do that again." I'm looking at a new style, new software, new projects. Have a very quick, scribbly fortune cookie. I'm looking to pick up the idea it goes with soon, maybe as an indie project. Pardon the speckliness, I had some exporting issues. It's good to be back, folks.
Friends, family, country folk, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and monkeys. WE'RE BACK BABY! After a long, long , long hiatus things are finally getting underway again. The theme for this week is:
Cosmic Dance
So, Dance the night away with your pencil, mouse, or whatever! Enjoy!