Happy Thanksgiving!

A lovely lizard-looking lady leisurely licks a lemon lollipop.Okay, I didn't use the phrase in there this time, but check out that alliteration, man.
yup.... that's 'bout all I could come up with. Enjoy your stereoscopy.
Man, I love that word, and how no one can ever pronounce it right, and how it kinda applies to the above image, but not really because it's a reference to film.
Anyway, in case any of you Barbie's are having trouble looking at this, here is a link to some helpful tips I found in the INTERNET for you.
I'm lookin' forward to everyone else's entries after work tomorrow.
P.S. People don't get the picture at first without knowing about this blog. I think that's pretty funny.
And so, the Wild Rumpus began! And all the wild things followed the King and rolled their yellow eyes and growled their terrible growls all over the island. Little did they know... one of them was a total fan art impostor. =P