Friday, September 5, 2008

Deadlines and Guidelines

Okay, here's the skinny- 

A week runs from Sunday to Saturday.
- New subjects /objectives will be announced on Sunday 
- All work is due the Saturday of that week, no exact time but try to make it on Saturday so it's fair to everyone else

- Have lots of fun
- Nothing Offensive or that could be seen offensive to others on the blog
- NO pornographic, hentai, or overly sexual content. Though, strategically placed shadows, hair, clothing, ect. are fine. 
- Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged
- Keep comments/ critiques civil. Nothing offensive, degrading, derogatory, or with intent to hurt feelings.
- Have fun
- and draw draw draw! 


Justin said...

Can you taste the lightning?!

Forrest said...

"- Nothing Offensive or that could be seen offensive to others on the blog
- NO pornographic, hentai, or overly sexual content."

you sir have ruined the interweb

Kristin/Spike said...

. . . strategically placed clothing?

Isn't ALL clothing strategically placed?

Weekly Draw-a-thon said...

haha you know what i didn't even catch that!